Schematics : spinal-terror

If you don’t understand a ton of circuit theory, have experience reading schematics, or played with a lot of circuits, then building your own schematic can seem daunting.

It was definitely daunting for me, the first time I built one. Getting used to EagleCAD, MCUs, and all the ins and outs of voltage and ground threw me for a spin a couple of times.

But once you get a few done, schematics aren’t as hard as you think. As long as you know what pins are connected to Voltage and what pins are connected to Ground, you’re all good to go.

Here are a few things I’ve learned when drawing up schematics:

These are all guidelines I make myself think through as I’m designing the first-blood schematic of a project - most of them save you hours of agony later on when you can’t figure out why your circuit isn’t working.

Speaking of first-blood schematics, this is the brand new schematic for Spinal-Terror, a posture sensor that fouric, gector, and I are working on:


It could stand to be a little prettier…but it works for now ;)

I’ve been itching to work with my hands lately and Spark is taking a little bit of a break, so I’m going back to ArkenPi and giving it the upgrade it deserves. More on that later!

Happy hacking!


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